---On Nov. 2, 2010 Annual Conference
of China Hydraulic Engineering Society (CHES) was held
in Guiyang. The theme of the conference is "People-oriented
Water Management--- Idea and Action". Mr. Hu Siyi,
Vice Minister of Water Resources, presented at the meeting
and delivered a keynote speech of the annual conference
entitled Small hydro power improves people's livelihood.
Academician Zhang Jianyun and other 9 celebrated experts
and scholars of water resources industry gave reports
upon invitation.
The conference awarded special prize,
first prize and second prize of Dayu Water Resources Scientific
and Technology Awards, as well as the prize for outstanding
academic theses of CHES in 2010. HRC's "Digital Electric
Leakage Protection Technology" was bestowed second
prize of Dayu Water Resources Scientific and Technology
Discussed and approved by the third
session of the ninth standing council, Ms. Cheng Xialei,
director of HRC, was co-opted as the council member of
Director Cheng Xialei attended the